John Petrucci Reveals Unheard Moments He Lived With Mike Portnoy After His Dream Theater Departure

The 53-year-old musician John Petrucci, known for the guitarist of the Dream Theater, made his latest appearance with UG and revealed how Mike Portnoy‘s departure from Dream Theater affected their relationship.

As some of you guys might know, Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci reunited for the first time after Mike Portnoy‘s departs from Dream Theater for John Petrucci‘s forthcoming solo album, Terminal Velocity, which marks the first solo album by John Petrucci to be released in 15 years.

While they were talking about the issue, John Petrucci was asked, “Was it a reconnection for you two or had you stayed in contact with him for all these years? And do you plan to do anything else with him in the near future?” He replied:

“Actually, we had been in contact – our families are very close. So even after he left the band, we had been in contact. It definitely increased in frequency as it went on to where we would spend the holidays together and stuff like that.

“But this was the first time we actually hung out for a significant amount of time together, and definitely the first time doing something musically together in over ten years from when he left.

“The drum tracks took about six days, so we spent a good week together hanging out and tracking drums, eating together, whatever, just enjoying time together, which we haven’t done for a long time.”


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