Nikki Sixx and Sebastian Bach Reacts to Painful Attack in El Paso

Last Saturday morning, a gunman in El Paso attacked citizens shopping at Walmart. In this attack, 20 people killed and 26 wounded. Just hours later the attack in El Paso, there was another attack in Dayton, OhioThe 9 people killed and 26 people wounded.

Following these attacks, world-famous Mötley Crüe member Nikki Sixx calls the people to common sense on his Twitter account. He wrote:

It is not too soon to be talking about how Trump and McConnell are enabling these violent acts by obstructing common-sense legislation that would make it more difficult for would-be mass shooters to obtain weapons designed to mass kill human beings.

Mitch McConnell likes to think of himself as Grim Reaper, well today, the Senate’s Grim Reaper made it easier for a Trump supporter to kill at least 18 people.

The morning of the next day, Sixx added:

Nefarious times we are living & dying in. I don’t know about you, but I’m fucking sick of hearing about innocent people being slaughtered city after city because the politicians chose money over passing stricter gun control laws.

Also Sebastian Bach wrote in response to a tweet of Ohio Senator Rob Portman.

The details are that you and your useless Republican party don’t give a fuck about the safety of the citizens of the USA. Your ‘prayers’ are a slap in the face to the 30 people who were mowed down yesterday because of your uselessness.

You can see the tweets below.

(via Blabbermouth)

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